It’s that time of year again when the schedules change, routines shift, the days begin to shorten, and the holidays will roll one after the other. Summer definitely has a sense of slower carefree days but school has begun so buckle up. How do you feel about school? Do you love the routine again? Or […]

School Frenzy

I (Kimberly) learned about the enneagram through a podcast show I listen to called Don’t Mom Alone. I went through a season of my littles, specifically when my second was a baby, that I craved the words of this podcast host. She was consistently encouraging and also consistently reminding me that I was not alone […]

Things I’ve learned from the enneagram part 2…moving a year ago…and a burning rump. 

“Raising people is not some lark, its serious work with serious repercussions.  Its air traffic control. You can’t step out for a minute, you can barely pause to scratch your ankle.” – Kelly Corrigan As we draw to the end of another school year and I am about to graduate my second child, I’ve been […]

The Wild Card Year