Team Summer Part 2

Happy August 1! Remember when summer officially ended Labor Day weekend? That is for those of us born in the mid to late 1900’s…hahaha…Well, in today’s world, summer still technically ends September 22, but the schedule change for majority of us ends at end of July and August brings a new school year. I think that wall calendar companies need to change the August page to a school scene instead of September. It’s just a tease. As bitter as I can get over the month of August and school starting so early, I also welcome the change.

Summer Recap

I mentioned in the Team Summer post at beginning of summer about the hopes, dreams, and ideas I had for our family. I can say that we accomplished swimming best! My big two participated in a local summer swim league and it was absolutely worth the time and effort. Kids learn so much being part of a team including discipline, friendship, bravery, and sportsmanship. The third girly in line who turned 4 over the summer learned to swim like a fish! She loves to blissfully belly flop into the pool, immediately sink to the bottom to grab the toy, and swim like a mermaid to the top. Baby girl number four is also fearless and imitates her sisters with big rainbow arms and flutter kicking her feet.

Summer learning

I also had aspirations to teach the big two a job. They each had a weekly chore or rather whenever I thought about it chore. My oldest cleaned our staircase by vacuuming and wiping down the stairs. My second learned to clean their bathroom. I was highly impressed with their ability to clean and to do such a good job. Hoping to carry the momentum into the new school year and even add another job or two. I once read about a mother who gifted her children a “job” at each of their birthdays to take something off her plate. I found that concept to be fascinating. Mothers have so many jobs on their plate that it looks more like a platter.

Summer dreams

The Olympics are in full swing this summer and what a fun it brings! We have been all in for team U.S.A. at our house hold, staying up too late every night and having the tv running to catch any and all acts of human greatness. My oldest is watching all the swimming with intense eyes and telling me who wins and what event is coming up. Gymnastics is our second current favorite, and like everyone else in the world we are “sticking” all our landings around here. I would also say that the Olympics are a great learning experience too. We are learning about different countries, learning numbers, etc. Track and Field has not even started so we better start getting some sleep or else we will miss it.

My other summer dream was to do a sprint triathlon myself. As mentioned in Team Summer, Matt and I participated in triathlons dating and early married. I did my last triathlon probably about 5 years ago. I have been attempting to run small intervals and it has felt good. Matt and I rode bikes along greenways early on in summer and recently, I did my own road ride for 15 miles and loved every minute of it. Now to put it all together would be challenging but maybe I’ll aim for a small sprint sometime in September. The Olympics are putting a fire in me…haha!

Summer shopping

To end summer we shop for school. I don’t know about you, but as a kid myself I loved back to school shopping or rather school/office supplies. I still love them to this day. Finding new pens, sticky notes, paper, crayons, markers, folders, pen pouches, etc gets my jollies on. If I could, I would also get a new backpack every year just because I love bags.

Summer love

My earnest prayer this summer was for our family to grow in love towards each other, be patient, kind, and forgiving. I prayed this prayer nightly over my girls. I mean, there will always be cat fights, but being home together daily has brought on more learning this year. I have watched my girls become brave with their ability to solve problems and speak kindness and forgiveness to their sisters. I have watched them bond and play all together. Just the other night all four took showers together and actually got clean while I sat downstairs and finished up some work. The summer has delivered beautiful moments in our family and I am so grateful.

So as July ended yesterday and today is August 1, may you look upon August with a renewed heart for a new change of pace and new adventures.



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Team Summer Part 2

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