Several years ago, I was introduced to the concept of the hula hoop. No, not the toy we all played around with in our childhood years. This is the idea that figuratively, we all have a hula hoop and it represents the things in life that are ours to concern ourselves with and what we […]

Stay in your own hula hoop

I am 7.5 years into motherhood and boy have I learned so much over the years. Recently, in the last few months with all the events of Sarah’s girls and my girls the term “hold loosely” has never been more applicable than ever. I wish I could have had that wisdom about 4 years ago. My […]

Millie’s Ears

Many years ago my work life involved a lot of air travel, often on a 3.5-4 hour haul back and forth to Las Vegas to work with marketing teams of hotel properties.  This may sound a bit glamorous but as an introvert who prefers quiet, lets just say Vegas was not my jam haha.  One […]

The Haunting of a Hobby

My third baby just celebrated her 4th birthday on July 2. Her birthday is most memorable to me for some reason. I mean, all births are memorable in some ways, but due to her 3 day saga of roller coaster labor amidst the year of Covid, I have to say she was one for the […]

40 Weeks and 3 Days 

I am now solidly 8 weeks out from the big uterus & ovary boot and its been a journey of healing and HRT so it seems worthy of an update on what I’ve learned and how things are going on the great early menopause journey.  I will tell you that I can easily stand here […]

Hook me up with that E patch

I (Kimberly) learned about the enneagram through a podcast show I listen to called Don’t Mom Alone. I went through a season of my littles, specifically when my second was a baby, that I craved the words of this podcast host. She was consistently encouraging and also consistently reminding me that I was not alone […]

Things I’ve learned from the enneagram part 2…moving a year ago…and a burning rump. 

I’m sure you’ve seen it or heard of it by now, or maybe you’ve read one of the books.  The enneagram has been all over social media in the last few years, and who doesn’t love a personality test right?  Its been a few years since I’ve read the book, The Road Back to You […]

How the Enneagram has helped us in relationship and marriage

I was sitting on the toilet trying to poop the other day and my baby aka 2 yr old was puny and clingy with a weird virus. She stood there crying at my feet because at any instant I began to lower her to the ground she would start crying.  Inevitably I picked her up […]

Vulnerability in Motherhood 

Oh skincare…its a whole thing and the beauty industry is not shy about constantly marketing to us with loads of promises!  Add in the dermatology/aesthetics industry selling us plumping and potions and it can quickly become overwhelming.  Its too easy to find ourselves feeling like a squirrel, trying to figure out what we need or […]

Skincare routines and things we’ve finally figured out

Summer time…begins this weekend for us. The classic Memorial Day weekend. School is out and summer time vibes are in the air. The days are getting longer, bed time is getting later, and we are all sweating and swatting at bugs a little bit more. Are you team summer? I personally love all the seasons […]

Team Summer