A Decade of Panties

A line in a Drew Holcolmb song says, “A decade goes by without a warning.” We’ve also heard the phrase, “the days are long, but the years are short.” Time. The biggest oxymoron we know. Life literally feels like it is flying by at warp speed, yet I remember the days of having to sit still and quiet for 60 seconds which felt like an eternity. Or I might have a day at home without kiddos but suddenly the hours slip away and my time is spent in a stupor of what to actually do. At the same time, I compare an 8 hour car ride and think of all the things I could be doing instead of riding in a car. A basketball game can take 5 minutes to run down a 30 second clock. People run for hours and hours to race for a 400m sprint lasting 45 seconds. The list can go on but, I have a feeling we all have sentiments of how time flies yet stands still all at the same time.

The Panty Decade

Recently I became disgusted at my underthings drawer. All my jammies, bras, and panties were so worn and simply worn out. I started thinking and realized that my panties were literally 10 years old! I had supplemented at some point with a few pair here and there, but they were not looking good either. This weekend of thinking happened to be Labor Day. The sales lured me in and I purchased a large order of panties from the tried and tru company that I was currently wearing. The brand is Ex Officio. Hands down my favorite. Possibly because they lasted so long and fit me.

The Panty Scandal

I eagerly awaited the arrival of my panty package in order to be able to perform the major purge. My email said the package would come Monday, September 9. The Saturday before, on the 7th, was my oldest daughter’s birthday, so we had a weekend full of birthday fun. Monday came and I waited, but no package came. I checked my email and to my surprise, the email said “delivered.” Unfortunately, the picture given to me by the nice FedEx guy was the wrong door step. This has happened before but the people have always returned my packages. I walked to the house one street above us and sure enough the doormat matched the picture in my email. However, there was no package. Boop!

The Panty Scandal Continues

After some digging, I found out that the house is a rental and the nice people who previously delivered my packages were now gone. Supposed new tenants were living there, but I can assure you that no activity has been reported at this house for over 2 weeks now. I knocked on doors, rang door bells, left 2 notes in the mailbox at 2 different times. Everyday, I stopped and checked the mailbox for 2 weeks with no signs of anyone getting the mail. I filed the missing package with FedEx, but they said to call ExOfficio. So after a week, I settled with ExOfficio and they sent me a new package. Thankfully I was able to get some new panties after all. But my mind was set on getting the original misplaced package.

Time will tell

Two weeks and two days have passed since the strike of the supposed panty thief. I was beginning to give up hope. However, when I got home from work today there was a package on my front door. I knew that I had not ordered anything recently. My heart quickened at the sight of the package and to my surprise it was the OG pack of panties! I truly have never been more excited to see a package in my life. My wish came true! So now I basically have double the panties for the price of one. I have no idea if the owner delivered the package or if the package went back into circulation. Either way, the package was sealed and had not been opened. Cheers to another decade of panties!

Cheers to a new decade

As I write this silly story, I do think about how crazy time feels. In my minds eye, I have been waiting for these panties for an eternity. Two weeks have felt like months. Recently, I have been reading a children’s Bible book at night to my big kids. We just wrapped up the old testament and are moving into the new testament. The timeline for the waiting period of the Israelites is wild to me. There was literally 400 years of silence before the birth of Jesus. Can you truly imagine having hope for 400 years or rather passing down hope from generation to generation? And the promise to Abraham didn’t come to fruition for relatively 1500 years. That is what we call faith of our Fathers. Here we are today 2000 years after the birth of Jesus and we are still having to keep the faith and have hope while we live in this time warped world.

May your next decade be filled with a deep hope as time flies, and may your panties be fresh!



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A Decade of Panties

  1. Bekah White says:

    I was here for the panty story but unexpectedly, left feeling encouraged and hopeful 😂

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