I’m sure you’ve seen it or heard of it by now, or maybe you’ve read one of the books.  The enneagram has been all over social media in the last few years, and who doesn’t love a personality test right?  Its been a few years since I’ve read the book, The Road Back to You […]

How the Enneagram has helped us in relationship and marriage

I was sitting on the toilet trying to poop the other day and my baby aka 2 yr old was puny and clingy with a weird virus. She stood there crying at my feet because at any instant I began to lower her to the ground she would start crying.  Inevitably I picked her up […]

Vulnerability in Motherhood 

Oh skincare…its a whole thing and the beauty industry is not shy about constantly marketing to us with loads of promises!  Add in the dermatology/aesthetics industry selling us plumping and potions and it can quickly become overwhelming.  Its too easy to find ourselves feeling like a squirrel, trying to figure out what we need or […]

Skincare routines and things we’ve finally figured out

Summer time…begins this weekend for us. The classic Memorial Day weekend. School is out and summer time vibes are in the air. The days are getting longer, bed time is getting later, and we are all sweating and swatting at bugs a little bit more. Are you team summer? I personally love all the seasons […]

Team Summer

“Raising people is not some lark, its serious work with serious repercussions.  Its air traffic control. You can’t step out for a minute, you can barely pause to scratch your ankle.” – Kelly Corrigan As we draw to the end of another school year and I am about to graduate my second child, I’ve been […]

The Wild Card Year

Mother’s Day is literally around the corner. Maybe you are the type of person who has had plans for a month now and cannot wait for the plans to come to fruition. Or maybe you are in a panic or have great anxiety about this upcoming holiday. Or you could possibly think about the holiday […]

Mother’s Day, The Conflicted Holiday

Cheers to making it to the other side of uterine liberation day, as one of my friends termed it!  We have made it to the other side, hallelujah and amen.  I am still solidly in the recovery zone and there will certainly be more from both Kimberly and I to report on the hormone journey […]

Minus an Organ + The Awesomeness of Mesh Underwear

So Sarah had surgery today. I drove down to take her to surgery and at least get to be with her one day after before having to zoom off for other family obligations. In preparing for her surgery, I had the urge to make her several meals that could be frozen and a lot of […]

Food That Feeds The Soul

Well, here we are just one week away from surgery.  Its been a roller coaster of ups and downs but its the final countdown.  I think its too late to flee and hope my uterus does magical things right??  Haha!  I joke…a little bit.  I had an unplanned c-section with my first baby so this […]

Intentional wellness…to prepare for surgery

Last week we gave you our introduction to how we got started making sourdough bread. If you missed it, go back and give it a read 🙂 This week we are going to give you the Sarah and Kimberly Sourdough Guide for beginners and for life!  As mentioned last week you need a starter. Ask […]

Sourdough Rebels Part 2