This time of year always seems to be jam packed with change. This year has been particularly so for my family with a child starting college. Since its football season, we will use that analogy. Tip off starts in August for us with the start of a new school year. August always feels like the […]

Routine in the midst of change

Recently Sarah shared a podcast with me from the Raising Boys and Girls Podcast with hosts Sissy Goff and David Thomas. The guest that day was Kelly Corrigan. I honestly did not know who Kelly Corrigan was, but you can find her here. The whole conversation was fascinating from the dried carrots and hummus to […]

Tell Me More, What Else, Go on

It’s that time of year again when the schedules change, routines shift, the days begin to shorten, and the holidays will roll one after the other. Summer definitely has a sense of slower carefree days but school has begun so buckle up. How do you feel about school? Do you love the routine again? Or […]

School Frenzy

I am 7.5 years into motherhood and boy have I learned so much over the years. Recently, in the last few months with all the events of Sarah’s girls and my girls the term “hold loosely” has never been more applicable than ever. I wish I could have had that wisdom about 4 years ago. My […]

Millie’s Ears

My third baby just celebrated her 4th birthday on July 2. Her birthday is most memorable to me for some reason. I mean, all births are memorable in some ways, but due to her 3 day saga of roller coaster labor amidst the year of Covid, I have to say she was one for the […]

40 Weeks and 3 Days 

I was sitting on the toilet trying to poop the other day and my baby aka 2 yr old was puny and clingy with a weird virus. She stood there crying at my feet because at any instant I began to lower her to the ground she would start crying.  Inevitably I picked her up […]

Vulnerability in Motherhood 

Summer time…begins this weekend for us. The classic Memorial Day weekend. School is out and summer time vibes are in the air. The days are getting longer, bed time is getting later, and we are all sweating and swatting at bugs a little bit more. Are you team summer? I personally love all the seasons […]

Team Summer

“Raising people is not some lark, its serious work with serious repercussions.  Its air traffic control. You can’t step out for a minute, you can barely pause to scratch your ankle.” – Kelly Corrigan As we draw to the end of another school year and I am about to graduate my second child, I’ve been […]

The Wild Card Year

The Witching Hours  The hours between 4pm-bedtime. Enough said. I could stop typing for anyone reading who has small children, and to those whose children are grown, I commend you.  The hours between 4 and bedtime are an odd time to say the least. Some days are very ordinary and my kids (ages 7 down […]

The Witching Hours

Fortunately, or unfortunately life has dealt its cards and we are the chosen ones to travel in order to see family. For 9 years, we were 8.5 hrs. from my husband’s family and 30 min from my parents. We moved this year and now we are 2.5 hrs. from my parents and 6.5 hrs. from […]

Road Tripping with Littles