School Frenzy

It’s that time of year again when the schedules change, routines shift, the days begin to shorten, and the holidays will roll one after the other. Summer definitely has a sense of slower carefree days but school has begun so buckle up. How do you feel about school? Do you love the routine again? Or do you loathe the changes? Personally, the start of school always stirs up big emotions in my little head and heart. As we have mentioned in prior blog posts, I am an enneagram 1. I am wired to make the “right” choice. Parenting is hard in general, but when it comes to making the right choice for school my brain frenzies.

The School Conundrum

As a child, I don’t recall ever feeling like I missed out on school. I grew up in rural, small town Tennessee and went to public schools. There was a county and a city school system in my town, and I remember some tension between the two systems as to which one was “better.” The next town over, our rival, was also known to have a “better” school system. I think these inferences came from typical small town gossip. I can tell you as a child, I had no idea as to what I missed out on or if my education was up to par, etc. School was school. We learned, we played, we ate lunch, made friends and did the same daily routine that we are doing today. My teachers left impressions on me and I have vivid memories from each grade.

School Settings

As mentioned, public school was the most available option in my town growing up. I only knew of two private schools around, but both about a 45 minute drive. Homeschool was few and far between and had it’s own stigma. Maybe it’s just me and how my brain works, but I truly feel that in today’s world, the loudness of where to send your kid to school is suffocating. The strong opinions about what is “right” causes my heart to break and struggle with my own decisions. Not only do I want to do the right thing, but I also don’t want people to judge me for my decision. Some decisions don’t come easily and are made out of necessity as well.

School Choice

My worry monster was taking over my brain recently about school so much that I had to to take a step back and listen to this podcast that has been tucked away in my brain for several years now. The title of the podcast is called, “The School of Dependency on Christ,” from Don’t Mom Alone Podcast. As the words were spoken, I began to feel peace come over me. This podcast is loaded with truthful reminders that we will not mess up our kids lives because of a school choice. Our school choice should be based on what is best for our kid and best for the family. There are so many options in today’s world and they all sound lovely in their own way. You have private, public, homeschool, hybrid schools, and some I’m probably not even familiar with.

School Peace

Sarah and I have both written about how we have to loosely hold our kids in our hands because they are not ours to control. The Lord loans us these children and I think parenting is more of a sanctifying process in our own lives and not ultimately how we raise our children. I constantly have to remind myself that my habits and behavior are what speak loudest to my kids. Maybe you grew up similar to me in a small town or maybe you grew up in a private school or homeschool. Our opinions are shaped and molded from our past and into our adult years we grow even more. Parenting can change everything too. Wherever you choose to send your child, know that it is the right choice for this time. Oh, and be kind to others about their choices 🙂

School Prayer

So as you embark on a new school year, I pray that your school decision was made with the best interest in mind for you as a parent and for your children. I also pray you have peace about it so you can be the best version of you for your kids. I pray a blessing on this school year for teachers in all settings. May your children have hands to serve, hearts to love, and minds to engage.

Always Remember

My best advice for when your brain frenzies as a parent is to take a step back and remember your childhood. I have two older brothers who went to the same public schools in small town USA that I did. We each graduated in the top of our classes, went to college, graduated again, and we all either got a masters or doctorate degree in something. Look mom, we all turned out o.k. 🙂 I know many of you have my same story, but I also know there are wildly different stories out there. So I am encouraging all of you to know that making decisions as a parent is not easy. We have to keep the faith and keep the main things the main things. Love your children, be the example at home, and surrender them to the Lord.

Cheers to another school year with new adventures.



Adulting, Featured, Raising chicks




School Frenzy

  1. Debra Thorington says:

    I just read your blog! How fitting it is to the text I sent you from dorm moms😜 Yes, my heart is overflowing! You and your brothers have kept the faith, have beautiful families and are wonderful people! Even from small town USA😊 God has truly blessed us 💕

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